Monday, November 10, 2008

Ideas for "My Memphis"

1. Combine many video clips of scenery such as the bridge and driving across it approaching Memphis. Show the bridge from a distance

--Show downtown with people interacting, horse carriages driving by. Have shots of the busy city and the enerergetic downtown nightlife, bands playing blues live on the street, people going in and out of restuarants, bars, and tattoo parlors.

--Contrast the shots with lots of action against shots of calmer quieter places. Scenery such as parks by the river. Have shots of relaxing rural life in vast landscapes with people at bon fire parties, fishing on a calm lake or simply cruising through the backroads.


Jason Cole said...

This seems like it has the possibility to be a wonderful "advertisement" for Memphis.

Dwayne Butcher said...

read the other blogs. we all seem to have the same kind of ideas. city elements collaged together.

Dwayne Butcher said...

read the other blogs. we all seem to have the same kind of ideas. city elements collaged together.

Ry said...

yea, fishing!

Jeremiah J. Patlan said...

i like this, and its kind of similar to mine, maybe we should collaborate. and get rich.

Alex said...

Elements of this sound like what the realtors are looking for. I'm not sure about the bonfire party though.

atheistpally said...

you should go into people's backyards

without permission.